Friday, December 30, 2011

Between the Covers - Book Review #6

Toshio reminded me I have another book review post to write before I travel to Milwaukee, Wisconsin for the holidays.

I'm not packed, I haven't finished stuff at home, but I am going to check this off my list soon, at least! I have been laid up in bed with a bad back and the vicodin channel has been keeping me awake at night, so I've been a reading fiend again. I have three new books for you. Well, they're new to me at least. Heheh.

1) Cottage Witchery by Ellen Dugan is a nonfiction book about hedgewitchery, which I recently learned is a term for a witch who uses herbs and plants. They're a green witch. This "how-to" book is entertaining, informative, and not at all stuffy. I hate formal Wiccan books that make me snore. Ellen has personality and she's a no-nonsense witch who loves to share her knowledge in an easy to read format. I recommend this book for anyone as an introduction to hedgewitchery.

2) I also recently finished the anthology edited by Paula Guran, Zombies: The Recent Dead. Not my favorite zombie antho, but there were some great highlights. The writing is great; I just wasn't as interested in all the stories this time around. Dating Secrets of the Dead had me roaring in bed, which annoyed my husband late at night. Kudos for David Prill for making me cry with laughter at a zombie tale -- just doesn't happen that often. I also enjoyed Joe R. Lansdale's short, Deadman's Road, which is beautifully written. I recommend this for zombie lovers, but don't try to read it when you're tired. It's a big paperback!

3) My last book is Justine Musk's Uninvited, a young adult paranormal fantasy about a teenage girl and her brother drawn into the world of the devil. Very good. I can't say more for fear of spoilers, but you will love this read. Adults and teens, both. Enjoy!

As always, happy writing and happy reading to all!

And I hope everyone had a good holiday and wish you a happy new year!

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