Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Michelle Cornwell-Jordan's Tweenscribe - A Writing Forum for Tweens/Teens

Bio: Michelle Cornwell-Jordan is a Director of an after-school program for 5th, 6th & 7th graders. She has been married for 16 years and has a 13 year old daughter. A book lover, her favorite genre has always been paranormal adventures. Another love is writing. Michelle has been writing about as long as she has been a bibliophile! Losing herself in a fantasy world that she is creating on paper is how she loves spending her spare time.

Oh, and one final secret about Michelle is that she believes that she also has a secret power, but if she told, she would have to zap ya!

Happy reading!

Tweenscribe is a writing forum for tweens/teen to showcase their creations; stories, poetry, songs, and music videos! But first it began with words.

The Beginning

I am just like any other parent that believes that every small burp, wrinkled brow, indistinguishable word uttered by their little one, is simply the best and no other child in Kid-dom, has ever measured up to my prince or princess:) I found that this was no different, when that child grew into a rambunctious tyke or when I found myself asking the question, “is this really my child?” Yes, she turned into a foreign teen:) So when my daughter informed me that she wanted to write, and began scribbling in corners, (this time on paper! Yeah!) I took it upon myself (pat on the back) to create a website for her to share her writings in a secure environment. So that is how the forum began.

Who tube?

The evolution into something larger than parental concern, came when I began noticing that many of the kids, tweens themselves(10-13yrs old); began speaking of creating videos, music and placing it on platforms online that are very open to the public, so my concern was for the children’s safety, such as who would view them and what they would view. So along with my daughter’s OK (It was her site, correct?) and her guidance, i.e. how to tweenspeak??? I started opening up the site to children at my after school program. Soon I launched writing contests with prizes that were book related, such as gift cards to or

Happy endings all around when the site began to flourish and it grew to where many children in my community became more and more aware and involved.

The Final Frontier

Now like so many other organizations, I have opened tweenscribe up to the online community; placing inquiries on Goodreads and, Twitter for tweens/teens that would like to share their creations in a safe place! Parents are welcomed as well:)

So if you are between the ages of 10-18 years old, please stop by and share!:)

As I like to say Happy reading AND writing all!:)

Contact Michelle:

Michelle's Blog:


Tweenscribe submissions:

Twitter: mcjordan37


1 comment:

Shah Wharton said...

Hi Nora. Hope you're feeling better. I'm rough as right now - cold and jet-lag. And have a ton of work to sort out too - Groan :)

This sounds like a cool idea for young peeps. Great post. X