Thursday, February 2, 2012

Imbolc & the Celtic Goddess Brigid

Many pagans, witches, and Wiccans, whichever you call yourself, celebrate Imbolc today. As Americans, we know today as Groundhog's Day, the traditional day when we find out if the legendary groundhog sees his shadow, heralding six more weeks of winter.

During Imbolc, in the Celtic tradition, the goddess Brigid is welcomed into your home, symbolizing the return of the Goddess as maiden. The maiden is young, vibrant, and full of possibility. The goddess Brigid is the triple goddess of fire, poetry, and inspiration. Colors associated with the holiday range from lavender and white to the more traditional red and white, depending on which you choose to incorporate into your home.

How fitting for us writers to reflect on this tradition today, whether you call yourself a witch or not! Buy some fresh flowers to brighten up your writing office and give you that boost of energy to get those last 100 words written or one last submission sent out before your family gets home for dinner. Light a candle and reflect on what inspires you as a writer. Take a walk outside to get those creative juices flowing or light some candles and draw a bath with your favorite scented oil and relax, letting your imagination go. Today is a day to renew your commitment to yourself as a writer. You can even ask the goddess Brigid to bless your work in the next year. I'm sure she would be pleased to hear from you.

Happy Imbolc, writers!


Anonymous said...

How interesting! How motivating! Thank you for that blog, Nora. :-)

Erin O'Riordan said...

One of my favorite winter holidays! I like the hopeful feeling of noting that winter is halfway over.