Friday, February 25, 2011

10 Fun Writing Facts About Me

1) I write left-handed, though I am ambidextrous. I discovered this when I broke my left arm the summer before 7th grade.

2)  I can also write with my right foot, though not as well as with my hands.

3) I was first published as a junior in high school.

4) In high school, I wrote a paper on the symbolism of flowers in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, which is one of the reasons I wanted to study English in college.

5) My mother and I attended a few writing classes together in college. She didn’t get her college degree until she was 53. We both majored in English.

6) My freshman year of college I took Environmental Science. I was accused of plagiarism on my final paper because my professor thought an eighteen-year-old could not possibly write as well as I did. He was wrong, of course. The paper was all my work. I got an “A” in the class.

7) My last semester of college, I applied to a graduate program at UW-Milwaukee for creative writing with an emphasis on poetry. Yes, I used to want to be a poet. I didn’t get in that first semester, but did the second time around.

8) After college, I applied for a job selling funeral plots at a local cemetery. I also wanted to be a cosmetician at a funeral home. My love for graveyard architecture and history led me to join a local group. On sunny days I could be found reading, writing, sketching, and taking pictures in my favorite cemetery.

9) Up until three years ago, I still wrote all my first drafts by hand in lined three subject notebooks.

10) One of my favorite first published short stories is a schlocky piece: Carnivorous Cows from Outerspace. It’s about alien cows coming to take over earth. It was rejected four times before I found a home for it. One editor told me they could believe cows had pet monkeys working for them and that they ate people, but not that some of the cows were dumb enough to get caught and eaten by humans. You can read my free odd tale here:

As always, happy writing and happy reading to all!


Anonymous said...

This was fun. I can't imagine writing with my foot. However, I do still write all my first drafts with pen and paper (creative drafts, not journalism-type things).

I used to worry that how I wrote was somehow sub-optimum (writing schedule, revision, etc.) but then I read a great book called "Page Fright" that talks all about the writing habits of famous authors. Most revealing.

I feel now that however you write, it's okay. It's now how you do it. It's that you do it.


Nora B. Peevy said...

I am not married to writing on the computer, but it amazes me how some people are.

I think writing where you are with the materials you have is a great thing. Sometimes a computer isn't there, but a cocktail napkin is. J.K. Rowling and I have this in common. :)

Libby said...

"Up until three years ago, I still wrote all my first drafts by hand in lined three subject notebooks."

I was the same way, up until about the same time ago. And I was mostly writing plays. :)

Nora B. Peevy said...

Libby, you know what I love most about writing in a notebook? Two things - the way the pages pile up heavy with ink and are fun rifling through and the way the ink smells when it is fresh! Can't get that on the computer. I am also one of those book nuts who will open a book before she buys it in the store and just sniff the pages and revel in the fact that it is a virgin binding pure and perfect and not destroyed by a million readers at the library. :P