Sunday, March 13, 2011

Eyeball Injury Leads to Lack of Writing

I lived up to my oddball reputation yet again this weekend and it has cost me a whole weekend of writing, including finishing my Jack Frost story I blogged about last week. Ugh! I'm blogging on painkillers and squinting out of one eye, so please bear with me. Being the incredibly multitalented human being that I am I managed to scratch my right cornea and tear my sclera, the white part of my eye, causing fluid to buildup underneath and giving my eyeball the appearance of a wrinkled apple for the past few days. Lovely! All this because I rubbed my eye when I was sleepy. I spent late Friday night in the ER and was sent home with an eye ointment that completely impedes my vision and vicodin, which completely impairs my judgment, but has given me a lot of great writing ideas to draw from when I can finally focus. The vicodin has also brought out the insomniac in me and so here I am blogging out of one eye at 1AM on Sunday night.

Before I was seen by the ER doc, I had to sign all these consent forms and I freaked out quietly to myself when asked to sign a form consenting to electronic records. In my painful state, I wasn't thinking clearly and my writer's imagination raced to Philip K. Dick and William Gibson cyberpunk stories with visions of tiny nanotech robots boring into my brain and transmitting data to the government. Then I flashed to an article I had read about microchips being implanted in humans now with all their medical data -- all very Big Brother 1984 and scary! Of course, I quickly realized she was talking about emailing my doctors, which was a great relief.

Then I had a lot of time to think while I waited and stared at the fancy light they used to check your eye for scratches and all the other medical equipment labeled in cupboards. It was a full ER and I was prepared to wait until Charon's pups grew up to see anyone since I wasn't having a heart attack or a baby or bleeding to death or suffocating. The irony struck me that I had recently blogged about Katherine Vaz's short story collection, Fado. My favorite was The Journey of the Eyeball, a wonderful magical realist story about the journey of a young man's eyeball detached from his body and seeking his lover. I tried to picture my eye wandering down the sterile hospital corridors plastered with generic modern art prints, its optic nerve dangling like jellyfish tentacles as it bounced along. The soundtrack for the entire scene was Phish's The Mango Song, part of the chorus playing over and over in my head, "Your hands and feet are mangos. You're gonna be a genius anyway..." I don't know why I cast this song for my music video, except that it's a happy tune and at that point, I thought my eye would be quite happy bobbing away from its accident-prone owner.

I went home with my eyeball intact, though not very happy. And as far I as can tell, though I haven't seen a doctor for a recheck, my eye is going to be just fine, even though I managed to lose a weekend of writing and will probably do something equally as stupid in the future at some point. After all, you're speaking of the same girl who slammed her own foot in a car door in high school. It's a good thing I work with a keyboard and not any sharp instruments on a daily basis!

As always, happy writing and happy reading to all!


Libby said...

Gruesome injury...

Nora B. Peevy said...

Bizarre... you had two comments and I approved both, but only one has published. The other has disappeared into cyberspace! Grr...

Anyhoo... I am visiting an eye doctor later this week. The light from the computer screen is hurting my eye, so I cannot be online much. I am going to attempt to read late this afternoon. We'll see how that goes. I can't remember the last time I went a whole weekend without reading a book! Scary!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hope your eye gets well soon. That is a pretty gruesome injury. Stalwart, trusty writing soldier that you are, you carry on bringing us bits to read!! Thanks!


Nora B. Peevy said...

Charley, thanks. I'm heading to the doctor tomorrow to see how bad the damage is, if any. I hope none. Still hurts. And the computer screen still seems really bright, but I am going to try to blog later today. :)