Saturday, December 4, 2021

The Pencil in the Eye Is Mightier Than the Sword

The infamous pencil.

In middle of September, I got up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. I was staying at a friend's house and was unfamiliar with the layout of the place in the dark. I ran into a tray with a lamp and a pencil cup. I tripped and imbedded the pencil shown on the right in my left eye. My head slammed into the tray and I acquired lovely bruises. I was rushed to the emergency room because my injury wouldn't stop bleeding and I was worried I would lose my eyesight.

The pencil to left is the one that broke off in my eyeball. I've included my original injury pics, along with some pics as it is healing. 

It was point down and unsharpened, but it still caused a lot of damage. I honestly don't know how I fell that hard. It looked like someone invisible pushed me. 

At the emergency room.
Getting stabbed in the eye fucking hurts like Satan's poker is spitting your eyeball in hell. No amount of pain killers makes this okay. I had about eight stitches. I was in the ER for 13 hours. I have had many follow-up visits because I have ongoing headaches, double vision, nausea, and an infection that took three antibiotics to heal. A few months later and I still suffer from double vision, headaches, and nausea. I have a cyst underneath my lower eyelid I am having removed right before Christmas. Yes, I can definitely use this horrific experience in my own horror stories. No, I don't recommend stabbing yourself in the eye with a pencil.
More bruised leg pics.

Healing slowly
My bruised leg.

Eye exam chair.

Pretty gnarly healing.
Scary pencil injury facts you didn't know.

Have you injured your eye? Did it hurt like a motherf? Tell me in the comments. Share your pain.

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