Sunday, January 9, 2022

A Walk in a City of Shadows: Tales of Urban Legendry Kickstarter Video and Editor Announcement


I've been asked to join the Alien Sun Press editing team for a tribute anthology to Gemma Files and her masterpiece, Experimental Film. The anthology is a celebration of women authors. We've snagged some great names for the project. Stay tuned! And thank you to the Alien Sun Press team for bringing me on board and believing in me.

Below is the video intro for A Walk in a City of Shadows: Tales of Urban Legendry coming out by Alien Sun Press. This anthology is jampacked with an awesome group of authors. I'm in good company.

If you want to contribute to the Kickstarter for this urban legend anthology, please do! Publishers and authors need reader support to make new books happen!

Monday, December 20, 2021

Cover Reveal!

The cover reveal for the urban legend anthology I will be in! Stay tuned for the Kickstarter project. You don't want to miss this T.O.C.